
邀請 #脊醫 參加將於2024年7月11日至12日在迷人的波爾圖——葡萄牙舉行的國際運動 #脊骨神經科 理事會執行會議。這次會議是一個與同行建立聯繫、交流知識和分享經驗的絕佳機會。



  • 一個面向領導層的獨特網絡招待會,與國際同行進行深入交流。


  • 詳細討論2023-2025年戰略計劃的進度,並參與未來方向的規劃。
  • 深入瞭解即將推出的運動脊骨神經科學認證項目,以及它如何塑造我們行業的未來。
  • 與教育主席菲-迪恩博士和詹姆斯-蓋斯勒曼博士一起,參與高級別的教育和培訓課程。


  • 在這幾天的時間里,您將有機會參加多場由行業專家主持的講座和研討會,以提高專業技能並獲得繼續教育學分。

朱君璞脊醫在WCCS的演講 🎤





WCCS #脊醫學 #專業發展 #香港脊醫 #病歷記錄 #健康科學 #持續教育






  1. 回覆本郵件列明活動名稱、時間、地點和報名連結


Dr. William Wan’s Inspiring Journey in MMA

In the heart of Hong Kong’s bustling Wan Chai district, the Southorn Stadium witnessed a remarkable display of sportsmanship and dedication on December 10th, 2023. At the MMASA Amateur MMA Championships, a story unfolded that went beyond the physicality of combat—a story of passion, healing, and leadership, embodied by Dr. William Wan, a sports chiropractor with a deep connection to the MMA community.

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is often shrouded in misconceptions, perceived by some as mere street fighting. Yet, those who practice and understand the sport know it as a disciplined blend of techniques, a testament to the human spirit’s resilience. In a time when Hong Kong’s attention to MMA waned due to the epidemic’s constraints, the championship held at the Southorn Arena signified more than a resurgence; it was a renaissance of spirit and tenacity.

With seven new champions crowned across twelve intense bouts, the event epitomized the return of large-scale amateur MMA tournaments to the city. Amongst the excitement, Dr. William Wan served not only as a chiropractor but as a guide, imbuing fighters with the courage to surmount challenges inside and outside the ring.

Dr. Wan’s commitment to MMA extends far beyond the bounds of Hong Kong. His recent visit to the Shanghai Performance Institute UFCPI illuminated his quest for knowledge and excellence. At UFCPI, Dr. Wan delved into the world-class facilities and absorbed the institution’s philosophy on nurturing top-tier MMA fighters. This experience sharpened his expertise, equipping him to provide unparalleled care and support to the athletes he serves.

His presence at the championships and UFCPI is a testament to his belief in the transformative power of MMA. He understands that the sport is more than the sum of its parts—it is a crucible where discipline, respect, and the pursuit of excellence meld together to forge not just fighters, but leaders.

Dr. Wan’s journey with MMA is a poignant narrative of service and leadership. As a sports chiropractor, he heals not just the body but also the spirit, encouraging fighters to surpass their limits. His touch extends beyond the physical, reaching into the very hearts of those he aids, inspiring confidence and resilience.

The MMA community is fortunate to have a figure like Dr. Wan, whose dedication and expertise remind us that true leadership is about uplifting others to achieve their best selves. As we celebrate the success of the MMA Championships, we also celebrate the silent heroes like Dr. Wan, whose contributions make such events a beacon of hope and excellence.

Let this story remind us all that the spirit of MMA and the spirit of healing are intertwined, each making the other stronger. May we continue to support and learn from the diverse talents that bring such electrifying events to life in our great city.


朱君璞脊醫在第17屆世界脊骨神經科聯合會(WFC)兩年一度的大會中獲得「大衛查普曼獎」(David Chapman-Smith Award),成為歷史上首位華人獲此殊榮的人士,也是亞洲第三位獲獎者。此項榮譽不僅讓朱醫生自身光榮,也讓香港的醫療界感到無比的驕傲。

朱君璞脊醫榮幸地從WFC主席John Maltby手中接過終身成就獎

世界脊骨神經科聯合會代表全球七個地區九十多個國家的會員,並作為世界衛生組織的非政府的關係組織,致力於支持公共衛生舉措並促進脊柱健康和福祉。朱君璞醫生在澳洲黃金海岸舉行的第17屆大會上,榮幸地從WFC主席John Maltby手中接過「大衛查普曼獎」。

John Maltby主席在頒獎典禮上讚揚朱醫生是現代脊醫領域的典範,並對他在科學、產業和專業發展上的努力和貢獻表示讚許。朱醫生的努力使脊骨神經科學在亞洲的初級醫療保健系統中取得了重要的地位,這是他對跨專業合作的承諾和不懈努力的結果







Asian Game 2023

Dr William Wan

Dr. William Wan will be attending the 19th Asian Games to be held in Hangzhou with the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China! 🎉

Dr. Wan has always been an important part of the medical team, and his dedication to the health and performance of Hong Kong’s athletes is something we are all proud of.

We look forward to seeing him at the Asian Games and are excited about the positive impact he will have on Hong Kong’s athletes at this event. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

#chiropractors #athletes #Hangzhou







亞運 #香港脊醫 #港隊加油 #運動熱潮 #堅仔

The Baseball Association of Hong Kong

Dr. William Wan, the sports chiropractor of Team Hong Kong from the Hong Kong Women’s Baseball Association, has been diligently preparing for two major upcoming baseball tournaments. In a show of support and camaraderie, a flag ceremony was held at the Sao Tso Wan Recreation Playground prior to the teams’ departure. Dr. Wan will be accompanying and providing his chiropractic expertise to the Women’s Baseball Team of Hong Kong, China, for the “IX WBSC Women’s Baseball World Cup – Group A” in Thunder Bay, Canada from August 8-13, 2023, and the U15 Baseball Team of Hong Kong, China, for the “XI BFA U15 Asian Baseball Championship” in Weihai, China from August 20-26, 2023. The event was graced by Mr. Andrew FAN, JP, the President of the Baseball Association of Hong Kong, China, who cheered on the teams. As the teams gear up for these tournaments, Dr. Wan’s role will be crucial in maintaining the players’ physical health and performance. Keep an eye on our social media for regular updates on the teams’ progress in the tournaments!

Dr. William Wan, the sports chiropractor of Team Hong Kong from the Hong Kong Women’s Baseball Association

BAHKC #baseball #hkbaseball #hkgbaseball #hongkong #sports #hksports #wbsc #bfa #worldcup #AsianChampionship #BaseballWorldCupW #香港 #中國香港棒球總會 #棒球 #體育 #運動 #世界棒壘球總會 #亞洲棒球總會 #世界盃

FA Cup

Dr. William Wan, the team chiropractor for Hoi King Football Team, played a pivotal role in the team’s journey to securing the second place in the FA Cup Junior Group Finals. After four consecutive victories in the FA Cup, Hoi King made their historic debut in the Cup Final, facing the Group A champions Central & Western at the Siu Sai Wan Sports Ground. Despite the challenge of Korean players Park Ye-jun and Hwang Chan-hui leaving the team, Dr. Wan’s expert chiropractic care and advice helped the team maintain their physical readiness and resilience, contributing significantly to their performance on the field.

Head coach Kevin Fung acknowledged the importance of unity and fighting spirit among the players, and he was satisfied with the team’s performance, regardless of the match outcomes. He also expressed his gratitude towards the coaching team, including Dr. Wan, whose help and dedication were instrumental in achieving their current standing. Their journey to the finals showed that with the right mindset and support, anything is possible.

As Hoi King continues their journey in the football world, Dr. Wan’s role as the team chiropractor will remain crucial in ensuring the players’ health and optimal performance.

HoiKing #FACupJuniorDivision #Chiropractic #DrWilliamWan






香港執業脊醫協會 #女子棒球亞洲杯 #棒球總會