SCCHK is a National Chiropractic Sports Council of The International Federation of Sports Chiropractic/Fédération Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport (FICS), which is comprised of national chiropractic sports councils worldwide and individual members, and has affiliations with international organizations within the chiropractic profession and the world of sports.


The International Federation of Sports Chiropractic / Fédération Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport (FICS) was founded in 1987 at a meeting of national sports chiropractic leaders held in London, England, and has represented sports chiropractic on an international basis since that time.

Initially its offices were in New Jersey, USA at the premises of its first President, Dr. Stephen Press. In 1998 FICS headquarters moved to Lausanne, Switzerland, home of the Olympic Movement. Today these headquarters are at the House of Sport in Lausanne, and FICS also has an administrative office in Toronto Canada, at the Secretariat of the World Federation of Chiropractic.

Since 1998 FICS has been governed by statutes under the Swiss Civil Code. These statutes, which may be found in full at this website, now provide for an Executive Council elected according to seven world regions – Africa, Asia, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, Latin America, North America and the Pacific.

During the past 10 years major FICS activities have included building relationships with international sports federations, athletes, other health care professionals and their representative organizations; developing and presenting postgraduate educational programs for sports chiropractors; and coordinating teams of properly credentialed sports chiropractors to provide services to athletes at major sporting events up to and including the Olympic Games.